Let's Talk Local event at Settle Sun 17 Sept 2pm

 On  Sunday 17th September 2023 we held a community afternoon at Settle Methodist Church (St John's) BD24 9JH in the Yorkshire Dales

"Let's Talk Local"

To celebrate local shops, work, products and activities of our area.

Leading up to that, a small group collected information from local shops and asking each shopkeeper "Please can you tell me three local products that you sell .. maybe the three 'most local' ".  By local we just mean things that are produced either in Settle or near by or failing that, from the next nearest place."

Read the blog showing results as we get them... 

"We" being St Johns Eco-group plus others.

This blog will  show what we found.

Where is Settle?
Settle is a small market town in the Yorkshire Dales. Settle and the adjacent village of Giggleswick together have of population of almost 4000 people.  Settle is nestled in the Craven Pennines, the backbone of England. It is close to the water divide between the West Coast and East Coast of England: 
The water in the Ribble at Settle travels to the west coast, but just four miles away to the east the water drains into the Aire and travels to the east coast.

Here is a poster about the event held on 17 September 2023. 

In September 2024 we plan to have an afternoon event on Farming.


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