
Showing posts from August, 2023

03 - Wholesome Bee - local products

Wholesome Bee, on Duke Street, opposite the Golden Lion sells many more local products than the minimum "Tell me three local products" asked for in this survey. Some are listed on the display outside the shop. They also sell many health products. See their website The three products I have chosen are Eggs, Cards and Soap. Eggs  because they are really local - two miles away on the road to Rathmell and because they are practical and everyone (almost) needs eggs. See there was only one box left when I took the photograph yesterday.- Usually there are lots more. Cards Because these are useful too - (Surely you know someone who has a birthday soon?)  The pictures are photographs of beautiful local flowers,  or in some cases photographs of paintings by local artists of local flowers... Each card is labelled on the back with the correct name. The cards cost £2-00 and the profits go to the Rainforest Fund. (Admission - It's me who makes the cards - and a big Thank You Wholesome

02 - Settle Coop

" Please can you tell me three local products that you sell in your shop ."  This is the question I am asking the shop keepers, or searching for my self in the shops of Settle. Settle has two supermarkets, (The Coop and Booths)  plus the  Garage (also Coop) plus a small Premier convenience store on the corner of the Market Place.  The "localest" things I could find in August were: 1.  ARLA "Lacto-Free" Milk  from ARLA Settle Creamery - 1 mile away. 2. Hughes Family Bakers -  Products - from Shipley 30 Miles away The Coop does have some other good points which I describe lower down The brand "Cravendale" milk bottled by ARLA I discover is bottled at Stourton Leeds.  It says on the plastic bottle "All our cows have access to grazing, as often as weather conditions allow and provided it will not compromise their health or welfare." Last week I went on a group visit to a local dairy farmer, John Dawson at Bleak Bank Farm, Clapham   One of t

01. Settle Glass Studio

Come down the steps at Settle Town Hall to discover what is inside Settle Glass Studio. We will ask "What three local products do you sell?" - and then discover that there are many local craft products here. Angela Henderson has just moved from a nearby smaller vault in Settle Town Hall at the end of last month (July) to this vault with a prime position leading up onto the main road, next to the seats. Come down the steps to discover the treasures inside Angela sells crafts from a good number of local artists, and is squeezing more in each week. See her posts at  Facebook   and   Etsy .    I am only listing three items for each shop, so I have to miss out a lot. The three I choose are 1. Angela's own glasswork.  (She even runs courses in how to do make the ornaments e.g.  1 Oct: Fused glass and enamelling course  ) 2. Rachel in the Dales - Pottery Website   Facebook 3. Christine Carradiche - Silk screen printed cards and silk screen scarves. Website  . When I was there An

Let's Talk Local event at Settle Sun 17 Sept 2pm

 On  Sunday 17th September 2023 we held a community afternoon at Settle Methodist Church (St John's) BD24 9JH in the Yorkshire Dales "Let's Talk Local" To celebrate local shops, work, products and activities of our area. Leading up to that, a small group collected information from local shops and asking each shopkeeper "Please can you tell me three local products that you sell .. maybe the three 'most local' ".  By local we just mean things that are produced either in Settle or near by or failing that, from the next nearest place." Read the blog showing results as we get them...  "We" being St Johns Eco-group plus others. This blog will  show what we found. Where is Settle? Settle is a small market town in the Yorkshire Dales. Settle and the adjacent village of Giggleswick together have of population of almost 4000 people.  Settle is nestled in the Craven Pennines, the backbone of England. It is close to the water divide between the We