03 - Wholesome Bee - local products

Wholesome Bee, on Duke Street, opposite the Golden Lion sells many more local products than the minimum "Tell me three local products" asked for in this survey. Some are listed on the display outside the shop. They also sell many health products. See their website

The three products I have chosen are Eggs, Cards and Soap.

because they are really local - two miles away on the road to Rathmell and because they are practical and everyone (almost) needs eggs. See there was only one box left when I took the photograph yesterday.- Usually there are lots more.

Because these are useful too - (Surely you know someone who has a birthday soon?) 
The pictures are photographs of beautiful local flowers, 
or in some cases photographs of paintings by local artists of local flowers... Each card is labelled on the back with the correct name.
The cards cost £2-00 and the profits go to the Rainforest Fund.
(Admission - It's me who makes the cards - and a big Thank You Wholesome Bee who have been selling them for eight years.)

made by the Dales Soap Shed in Settle. Visit their website to find out more

Do consider coming to our "Let's talk local" afternoon on 17 September 2023


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